Saturday 18 January 2014

Don't Forget To Say Thank You

It is extremely important to send a thank you note to your guests after your wedding. This note can be electronic or paper and should include a picture of you and your partner. I love how Renaissance Studios Photography has thank you banners. These photos are great for a thank you card.

This thank you for attending note can be doubled as a thank you note for wedding presents. I prefer paper notes, but if you have a lot of guests it can get quite expensive, especially for printing photos. Therefore, it may be best to do it electronically, or email the photo and handwrite notes thanking for gifts. Personally, I would opt for personally designed cards with the picture on the front and a handwritten note inside.

The rule for thank you notes is that you should have them sent and delivered within one month of returning from your honeymoon (or after the wedding if you save the honeymoon for another time.) While this is great, it may not be possible. The best thing to do is just try to get them done as soon as possible (without bad excuses!)

Try to be sincere and personal in each note. While guests know that you may have 75 plus notes to write, they took time out of their lives to go to your wedding and they bought you a gift. Therefore, try to add something personal and show that you really do know what gift they bought you. Avoid saying "thank you for the lovely gift," as it makes people feel like you quickly wrote a bunch of notes at once without thinking about who they were for. If you were given cash by someone, try to tell them what the cash will be used for, for example down payment on a house or a new couch. 

Lastly, make sure you set out a lot of time to write these notes, as they will take long. And get comfortable. If you can get your partner to help you it will go much faster! They are just as much a part of this wedding as you are.

Thanks to Renaissance Studios Photography for the stunning photo!

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