Saturday 25 January 2014

Maid of Honour Duties

Most weddings have bridal parties, and that means having a maid of honour. Whether she is your sister or best friend, she will have duties to fulfill. If you are the upcoming maid of honour, make sure to read this list to ensure you are the best maid of honour there ever was!

Plan the bridal shower
Of course, it is the maid of honour's duty to plan the bridal shower. You can decide with the bride whether she wants a friends and family bridal shower, or wants to separate them. If she chooses to separate them, then you can choose whether you want to help plan both, or just for the friends. Whichever you choose, just make sure to take all of the work off of the bride's hands without secluding her from the details such as colour, decor, etc (unless she wants to be surprised).

Organize the bachelorette party
Probably the best part about being maid of honour (other than getting to stand beside the bride) is getting to plan the bachelorette party. Whether there is a big budget or not, it is always fun to plan a big get together for the girls. Ask the bride for input on what kind of things she wants and doesn't want, and then take it from there. I think the best kind of bachelorette party would be one that my friends all put together for me and surprised me with.

Take charge of the bridal party
Because the bride always has so much to do in terms of planning her wedding, it is up to the maid of honour to take care of all things bridesmaids. This includes arranging their dress fitting appointments, assigning tasks for organizing the parties, and making sure they all know where to buy their shoes.

Keep track of the gifts
This duty counts for both the bridal shower and the wedding. It is important that you keep track of who gave what gift and when. Compiling a list will help the bride when she needs to send out those thank you notes. Try and make the list as detailed as possible so that when she writes the notes she remembers exactly who gave her each beautiful gift.

Help the bride get ready
Of course, someone will need to zip up her dress, and fix her mascara when she starts tearing up. That will be your job. You will be getting ready right along side her so this isn't a difficult task.

Calm the bride and take care of all of her needs
You may need to help the bride out, whether it be when she needs to go to the bathroom or she is getting nervous. Just be there for her, calm her down when things don't go exactly as planned, and be her right hand. After all, she is your best friend right?

Give a speech at the wedding
Last but certainly not least, give a damn good speech at the wedding reception. Be witty, funny, smart and memorable. Put a lot of effort into it; don't leave it until the day before the wedding. Practice it at least a few times, especially if you tend to get nervous in front of crowds.

Thanks to Renaissance Studios Photography for the stunning photos!

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